For Providers

In this section, providers will find tools and resources that will enhance the services that they provide to both the individuals and families of their caseloads. The materials provided in this section will give your agency updated information on national best practices on service delivery, new potential pathways to consider, and forms and materials that can be incorporated into your employment program.




Career Planning: Checklist (Tools #2)

The purpose of this tool is to ensure all critical areas have been considered and addressed in the Career Planning process to maximize employment success.

Employer Analysis Questions

Employer Analysis Questions and Areas of Inquiry

Informed Choices

Informed choice is the process of choosing from options based on accurate information, knowledge, and experiences

Service Delivery Sample Flow

This is a sample structure for delivery of services to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain employment in the community. It is intended to be a basic structure for a person-driven approach, which programs can use as the basis for designing a service flow specific to their organization’s structure, culture, funding agency requirements, etc.

