Service Delivery Process

is a sample structure for delivery of services to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain employment in the community. It is intended to be a basic structure for a person-driven approach, which programs can use as the basis for designing a service flow specific to their organization's structure, culture, funding agency requirements, etc. Most of the forms referred to as “ICI” forms are available from the MassWorks website at: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Integrated Community Employment

Sample Service Delivery Process

Information Gathering

Purpose: Review existing documentation on individual

  1. Review file, current schedule, etc.

Forms: intake form, information packet

Initial Identification of Interests and Preferences

Purpose: Begin identification of job seeker's preferences and interests

  1. Complete Finding Right Job tool
  2. Begin development of/update Personal Profile
  3. Begin development of/update Consumer Assessment Form
    Documentation/Forms: Finding Right Job (ICI), Personal Profile (ICI), Consumer Assessment Form (ICI), case notes
  4. If benefit issues are a concern, provide referral to Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Project -, or other benefit counseling resources.
  5. Resource: The Basics of Social Security Disability Benefits

     Decision point: Do we know enough to move forward on job search? • Understanding of job interests and preferences • Knowledge of individual's job-related skills • Understanding of individual's employment-support needs • Knowledge of individual's personal network

     If yes, move forward with # 4 - Job Development  If no, conduct # 3 – Career Planning, Exploration and Assessment

    1. Career Planning, Exploration and Assessment Purpose: Conduct activities to assist individuals in identifying their employment interests and preferences, and employment options. The following are options for this component, based on the preferences and needs of the individual. Activities should be conducted until sufficient information has been generated to move forward on job development.

    a. Person-Centered Career Planning meeting A person-centered career planning meeting should be considered for individuals whose employment options are unclear and/or individuals who require more creative solutions in terms of employment. Steps: • Meeting arranged • Invitations • Meeting conducted • Meeting documented • Follow-up Document on Personal Profile (ICI)

    b. Job tours c. Informational interviews d. Job shadows e. One-Stop Career Center visit f. Situational assessment/job try-out: Use situational assessments to assist an individual in exploring employment options, both to identify whether options being considered make sense, and for expansion of employment options under consideration. See Situational Assessment Guide from ICI, for additional information. Document on Consumer Assessment Form (ICI). g. Consider utilization of IRWE and PASS plans as necessary and appropriate for employment-related supports. h. Identify and address accommodation and assistive technology needs. If necessary, make referral to public vocational rehabilitation or other external sources. Documentation/Forms: Finding Right Job (ICI), Personal Profile (ICI), Consumer Assessment Form (ICI), case notes

    1. Job Development Purpose: Conduct job development and placement activities, based on the individual's job preferences and interests identified, and which maximizes the individual's participation in the job search process, and the involvement of their personal network. a. Develop/update resume b. Develop initial job search plan, and complete 30-day Placement Plan. (Utilize Action Plan from person-centered career planning meeting, if meeting was conducted.) c. Conduct job search activities (staff, job seeker and network), based on 30-day Placement plan. d. Document each employer contact on Job Development Datasheet. e. Present individual's job search plan at team meetings and provide updates at subsequent meetings; within meeting share/brainstorm job leads, and coordinate job development activity f. Provide update to team on job search process at team meetings. g. Review and revise 30-day Placement Plan on monthly basis, until job placement has occurred. Documentation/Forms: 30-Day Placement Plan (ICI), Job Development Datasheet (ICI/NEBA), case notes

    2. Placement a. Complete Placement Information Form, which documents employer contact information, directions to employer, travel arrangements, hours, wages, and other relevant placement information. b. Identify and determine action plan for addressing transportation, benefit, day custody, non-work schedules, work dress/uniform requirements, and other employment support needs. Conduct team meeting with residential support staff and/or family if necessary. Complete Placement Support Plan form. c. Discuss and determine mix of employer-based natural supports, to be supplemented as necessary with supports from agency. d. Determine job coaching schedule. As necessary, orient other staff providing job coaching at job site. e. At start of employment, have individual participate in typical employer orientation and training, supplemented and supported by job coach. See Workplace Inclusion Checklist. f. Provide initial job coaching, utilizing full range of job coaching techniques to enable individual to achieve employment success, with emphasis on use of natural supports and full integration into work culture. See Job Coach Tools. g. During initial employment supports phase, review individual's status and progress on at team meetings, and develop action plan for any issues identified. h. Conduct travel training as necessary. Document in Travel Training Guide. i. Identify and address accommodation and assistive technology needs. If necessary, make referral to public vocational rehabilitation or other external sources. j. Consider utilization of IRWE and PASS plans as necessary and appropriate for employment-related supports. k. If benefit issues are a concern, provide referral to Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Project -, or other benefit counseling resources -. Documentation/Forms: Placement Information Form (ICI), Placement Support Plan (ICI), Travel Training Guide (ICI), Workplace Inclusion Checklist (ICI), Job Coach Tools (ICI), case notes

    3. On-going Supports a. Fade intensive on-site job coaching, to level that minimizes job coach support, but ensures sufficient support is in place for ongoing employment retention and success. b. Maintain schedule of on-going check-ins with employer and individual to monitor status and pro-actively address any issues that have arisen. c. Ensure individual is reporting earnings to Social Security and any other public benefit programs as required. d. Provide and assist employer with short term on the job retraining based on changing job requirements and any performance issues identified. e. Through counseling of individual, monitor satisfaction with employment, and determine level of interest and opportunities available for advancing with current employer, and/or changing employers for career advancement. f. Maintain ongoing contact with employer regarding performance evaluations, career advancement opportunities, and to address and resolve any issues that may arise regarding the individual's employment. Documentation: case notes